Day 30 :

Dirty Laundry

It is what it is and remains forever

Dirty laundry.

Swaddle in clean sheets, and to ward

Off foul scents, add sweet lavender.

We store it for the next spring cleaning

In the deepest darkest cupboard.

It's an open sore, even if we inject

All manner of cleaning and dusting.

To add insult to injury,

We pick at it, scratch the scab,

Cover it and patch the wounds

Like a pet project!

It gives a distinct smell of neglect

And distrust, we can tell the years

Have made it difficult

To remove the stain.

Every once in a while

We open our eyes to a pile

Of dirty laundry shoved

Under the carpet, having festered

Over the years.

Prompt: Take your own poem and rewrite it

starting from the ending and ending with the


Original poem:


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