My needlework

                                         The Clown

What can a Mom give her three daughters

A one time present , to three teens

It struck me , why not the biggest clown

Not available in any store

Maybe four foot with cherry red lips

They had just seen the movie IT

And kept talking about a clown

So the industrious mommy got to work

Sewing up a storm

Mind you it was a complete labor of love

The finished product , left a lot to be desired

The rosy lips were more of a smirk

The eyebrows kinda drooped

The eyes looked like a dazed owl

Hey ! but it was a labor of love

Not  looking for it to be critically acclaimed

It was hung on their bedroom wall

With all the proper fanfare

Next morning the wall was empty

The clown was found buried in a flowerbed

The Holmes , our very own labrador

Into the washing machine then dryer

Back to its pride of place

All three looked at the clown in a daze

" Mommy why don't you watch IT "

So I did just that !

Next morning when it went missing

I left it buried

                                      © Lalarukh Lasharie


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