New Poet

                                        THE NEW POET 

We are a generation which has never learnt
How to read and write long lines
Our attention span is that of a new born
So heaven help me , when given a paragraph
Can you guess how much toil that entails ?
Baby boomers , Generation xyz and now Zoomers
Everyone is on the same boat
Once a poem required so much concentration
I started with a soda , diet mind you
Went on to a packet of crisps
Watched Anime to relax
Finally finished it off with a double decker
So don't tell me we don't know hard work
Its too much of an old wives tale
All things considered , we are so much better
Than older poets , walking around mumbling
Counting syllables while spouting poetry
We believe in free verse
The freer the better
Depends on how you look at it
Its all art , even just a urinal standing alone
Once I saw a painting , it was upside down
Its a different perspective , I was told
I am art , how I choose is the new perspective
This poem is getting too lengthy for my
Artistic inclination

                                    © Lalarukh Lasharie



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